Better Bookkeeping Brings Better News: Making Your Books Less Messy

Not everyone can be an excellent bookkeeper. Those that are not good bookkeepers are often better with customers, which is why many business owners have partners who can manage one or the other side of the business. If you are one of those not-so-good bookkeepers and you are winging your business by yourself, you might have some very messy books indeed. That can get you into a lot of trouble. Thankfully, there are ways to make your bookkeeping less of a mess, and you might even discover some very positive news about your business in the process.

Whatever It Is, File It

The most important thing you can do for your books is to file everything. Even if you fail to make some entries, you have everything you need in one place. If you at least make the effort to save all of your receipts for customer and business purchases and sales, then you can take the time once a week to enter everything into a bookkeeping program.

Hire an Accountant

Yes, this option sounds expensive, but so does several hundred dollars in the negative in your business account! Hire the accountant anyway, even if just for a few hours a week. It could save you hundreds, even thousands, in the long run. Plus, the accountant can balance your accounts perfectly, so long as you have saved everything in a file. Your bookkeeping worries will no longer keep you up at night, either.

Some Consultants Double as Financial Advisors

Making purchases for your business is usually a good idea, but how do you know for sure? Some accountants double as financial advisors. If you hire an accountant that is also a financial advisor, then A) your books are very orderly, and B) at one glance your accountant/financial advisor can tell you if it is a really good idea to buy that giant copy machine you have been eyeballing for a while now.

Tax Season Brings Even Better News

If you get your books in order before tax season, your accountant can help you with the taxes, too. Within a few short hours, the accountant can show you what to expect as a refund. Considering you were probably apprehensive about tax season, given the previous status of your books, you will be pleasantly surprised about the news of a refund. Of course, it could go the other way, but at least you would know exactly why you owe money to the IRS this year and would not risk having to face an audit agent!

For more information, contact a company like SYNQMINE LLC.

About Me

Self-Employment and Taxes -- What You Need to Know

Is this your first year working as a self-employed individual? If so, filing taxes is going to be very different from what you may be used to. I know the first year I filed my self-employment taxes, I was so confused. There were new forms to fill out and new deductions. And the laws are always changing, so there's a lot to keep track of. That's why I created this website. I know there are others out there that are like me and may find this process overwhelming. I created this website in hopes of answering all of the questions you may have about being self-employed and how that affects you come tax time.